Home > Admissions > Tuition


Payments are made electronically through FACTS Tuition Management. Registration is complete upon online FACTS enrollment by the responsible party.

Number of Catholic Students Monthly Tuition Annual Tuition*
1 $500.00 $5,000
2 $1000.00 $10,000
3 $1500.00 $15,000
4 $2000.00 $20,000

Registration Fees (includes technology fees)

Due July 1st

No. of Students Fees
1 student $500
2 students $1000
3 students $1500
4+ students


In addition each family is required to:

  1. Pay $400.00 per year for family donation/fundraising pledge. This fee is due in January and May, or monthly with tuition. This is replacing the previous fundraising goal.
  2. Complete 30 service hour or pay $16 per hour for each incomplete hour Due May 1st.

All Families are strongly encouraged to participate in the St Cecelia School Giving Campaign.

Submit new student registration documents using Gradelink

Practicing Catholic Discount

Active and contributing members of a Catholic parish recieve a 5% discount on tuition. A letter of verification from the pastor of your parish is required at time of registration.

Contact Us

St. Cecilia Catholic School

4224 South Normandie Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90037
Phone: 323-293-4266

School Hours

8:00am – 3:00pm
Monday – Friday

Office Hours:
7:30am – 4:30pm

Morning Daycare:
7:00am – 8:00am

Afternoon Daycare:
3:15pm – 6:00pm